Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is kindof a joke

Loneliness isn’t contagious
So I’m not sure how I caught it
But I’ve got it
I got it bad

And I stay awake at night thinking about how desperate I’d need to be
To meet someone online

And I stay awake after that reassuring myself that I’m smart and pretty
Or that I’m talented

And that someday
Oh god…
Someday soon!

Somebody will say
“Hey! She’s smart and pretty”
But then I get worried
Will they also know I’m lonely?

So I wrote this poem
Well it’s sort of a poem…
Sort of a cry for help…



marionerin said...
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marionerin said...

you always got me!
guys are assholes.

Dr. Weezil said...

No, we're just as scared of you as you are of us...

Dr. Weezil said...
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Dr. Weezil said...

Hence the dumbness sometimes.

Lilly said...

...you know I'll never understand why you get so hung up on receiving affection from the opposite sex...

You're 23yrs old for cryin out loud! It's not like yer 45 and still rockin the dating scene!

You are those things, smart and beautiful, not to mention fun and talented....you've got a laundry list of positive qualities workin for you...

...I think that you should think about not trying so hard or caring so much about finding your "soul mate" and just LIVE! Eventually he'll come along. One thing that isn't attractive is desperation Bun. Keep that in mind.

I love and miss you sista.

apotheosis said...

whoa whoa whoa guys...read the title too- Joke