Thursday, April 20, 2006

Everything Retaliates

You can push yeah
And exert your power yeah
But expect a push back
Expect a kick
Expect an attack

‘Cause everything retaliates in its own way
And tomorrows just the thrust from yesterday

Cause the insurgence comes
When you bomb overseas
And when you warm the earth
Don’t expect no calm breeze
Expect a hurricane
From your CO2’s
Your gas guzzlin’ SUV’s
All that methane
And when you
There won’t be no place to hide
When your McMansion gets carried away
In a big ass landslide

‘Cause everything retaliates in its own way
And tomorrows just the thrust from yesterday

It’s as simple as cause and effect
No health care and the people stay sick
Pollute the planet and its gunna get wrecked
You use it all up then there’s nothin’ left
Dead come back when you go to war
So don’t you say you weren’t warned
And I tell you again like I tell you before

‘Cause everything retaliates in its own way
And tomorrows just the thrust from yesterday

So you go on
And do whatcha do
But when it’s all through
Expect a push back
Expect a kick yeah


Dr. Weezil said...

Appostrophes are unneccessary to pluralize, especially abbreviations.

Apotheosis said...

Anischik Elangomellan